Source code for sxm.http

"""HTTP Server module for sxm"""
import json
import logging
from asyncio import get_event_loop, sleep
from time import monotonic
from typing import Any, Callable, Coroutine, Dict, List, Optional

from aiohttp import web

from sxm.client import HLS_AES_KEY, SegmentRetrievalException, SXMClient, SXMClientAsync

__all__ = ["make_http_handler", "run_http_server"]

[docs]def make_http_handler( sxm: SXMClientAsync, precache: bool = True ) -> Callable[[web.Request], Coroutine[Any, Any, web.Response]]: """ Creates and returns a configured `aiohttp` request handler ready to be used by a :meth:`aiohttp.web.run_app` instance with your :class:`SXMClient`. Really useful if you want to create your own HTTP server as part of another application. Parameters ---------- sxm : :class:`SXMClient` SXM client to use """ aac_cache: Dict[str, bytes] = {} playlist_cache: Dict[str, str] = {} active_channel_id: Optional[str] = None def set_active(channel_id: Optional[str], initial_playlist: Optional[str] = None): active_channel_id = channel_id # pylint: disable=unused-variable # noqa if precache and channel_id is not None and initial_playlist is not None: loop = get_event_loop() loop.create_task(cache_playlist(channel_id, initial_playlist.split("\n"))) async def get_segment(path: str): try: data = await sxm.get_segment(path) except SegmentRetrievalException: await sxm.close_session() sxm.reset_session() await sxm.authenticate() data = await sxm.get_segment(path) return data async def cache_playlist_chunks(end: float, playlist: List[str]): for item in playlist: if monotonic() >= end: return while len(aac_cache) > 10: await sleep(1) if not item.startswith("AAC_Data"): continue data = await get_segment(item) if data is not None: aac_cache[item] = data await sleep(1) async def cache_playlist(channel_id: str, playlist: List[str]): start = monotonic() - 3 while active_channel_id == channel_id: await cache_playlist_chunks(start + 5, playlist) new_playlist: Optional[str] = None while new_playlist is None: new_playlist = await sxm.get_playlist(channel_id) playlist_cache[channel_id] = new_playlist playlist = new_playlist.split("\n") start = monotonic() async def get_playlist_chunk(segment_path: str): if segment_path in aac_cache: data = aac_cache[segment_path] del aac_cache[segment_path] else: data = await get_segment(segment_path) return data async def get_playlist(channel_id: str): if channel_id in playlist_cache: playlist: Optional[str] = playlist_cache[channel_id] del playlist_cache[channel_id] else: playlist = await sxm.get_playlist(channel_id) if active_channel_id != channel_id and playlist is not None: set_active(channel_id, playlist) return playlist async def sxm_handler(request: web.Request): """SXM Response handler""" response = web.Response(status=404) if request.path.endswith(".m3u8"): channel_id = request.path.rsplit("/", 1)[1][:-5] playlist = await get_playlist(channel_id) if playlist: response = web.Response( status=200, body=bytes(playlist, "utf-8"), headers={"Content-Type": "application/x-mpegURL"}, ) else: set_active(None) response = web.Response(status=503) elif request.path.endswith(".aac"): segment_path = request.path[1:] data = await get_playlist_chunk(segment_path) if data: response = web.Response( status=200, body=data, headers={"Content-Type": "audio/x-aac"}, ) else: response = web.Response(status=503) elif request.path.endswith("/key/1"): response = web.Response( status=200, body=HLS_AES_KEY, headers={"Content-Type": "text/plain"}, ) elif request.path.endswith("/channels/"): try: raw_channels = await sxm.get_channels() except Exception: raw_channels = [] if len(raw_channels) > 0: response = web.Response( status=200, body=json.dumps(raw_channels).encode("utf-8"), headers={"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"}, ) else: response = web.Response(status=403) return response return sxm_handler
[docs]def run_http_server( sxm: SXMClient, port: int, ip="", # nosec logger: logging.Logger = None, precache: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Creates and runs an instance of :class:`http.server.HTTPServer` to proxy SXM requests without authentication. You still need a valid SXM account with streaming rights, via the :class:`SXMClient`. Parameters ---------- port : :class:`int` Port number to bind SXM Proxy server on ip : :class:`str` IP address to bind SXM Proxy server on """ if logger is None: logger = logging.getLogger(__file__) if not sxm.authenticate(): logging.fatal("Could not log into SXM") exit(1) if not sxm.configuration: logging.fatal("Could not get SXM configuration") exit(1) app = web.Application() app.router.add_get("/{_:.*}", make_http_handler(sxm.async_client)) try:"running SXM proxy server on http://{ip}:{port}") web.run_app( app, host=ip, port=port, access_log=logger, print=None, # type: ignore ) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass